5 possible reasons why your prospect might not answer your call.

4 min readOct 8, 2021


If you’re in sales and reaching out to a prospect, one of your biggest challenges will be getting them to answer the phone. A phone call from a company is so common these days that many people have gotten very jaded with regards to receiving them.

In this article, sales teams at Zipteams outline 5 possible reasons why this could be the case. Read on!

1. You’re Calling at the Wrong Time

Remember that prospects are people, and they always have one or another thing going on in their lives. Maybe they are busy with their personal or professional work. if they don’t answer, or if the call goes straight to voicemail need not worry. We know as a sales professional you’ve done our best to reach the prospect, you’re prepared and we just want to get the ball rolling.

In these instances, it could be a good time to wait a little longer to see if the prospect returns the call. There might be a personal or professional crisis going on. While there is nothing wrong with being in a meeting or on an important phone call, it is very unlikely the prospect is unaware of their incoming call.

Try to pre-call before getting on the phone with your prospect so you would know how likely they are to buy before you try to reach them.

2. You Are Doing All the Talking

You are doing all the talking during a new sales call, and you’re not sure how to get your prospect to open up. You’ve got questions but no answers. What can you do? Break the ice and get more information from your prospect.

One reason why your prospect isn’t opening up is that they feel their concerns aren’t being heard and their requirements will not be met by your company.

As a sales professional, you need to understand what your clients are looking for and what are their requirements and work towards it, re-evaluate your sales approach and also make sure you ask a few questions while speaking to encourage a two-sided conversation.

3. Generational Disconnect

As sales professionals, we are sure that you get to connect with different people belonging to different generations. The Millennial generation is less likely to pick up their phone. So salespeople need to start approaching them on the platforms which they use the most.

Remember that every generation has its interests, values, and purchasing habits. As sales professionals, we need to have different approaches and tactics while interacting with different generations. If this is not taken care of, you would have a hard time connecting with these generations which would eventually affect your sales.

4. Aren’t using Multi-Channel Contact Strategy

As a sales professional, you would have known that now all clients take calls from representatives they have never heard from companies they don’t recognise, they just don’t answer the call. When such a situation occurs multi-channel or multi-media contact strategy comes into play.

Social media has given companies new ways to connect with their customers. Using platforms like Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, and LinkedIn companies can quickly answer potential buyers’ queries, update them on the latest product announcements, and get feedback from customers who might not have otherwise reached out.

The real benefit of social media is in the active nature in which consumers interact with the brands they follow and in which companies respond. By enabling companies to use messaging tools in a variety of environments, such as the web and mobile devices, traditional media strategies can be adjusted to fit prospects’ social media preferences.

5. They Simply Aren’t Interested

It’s entirely normal for a prospect to take their phone off the hook now and again because it might be that they are not interested in what you have to offer anymore. If this happens, then you should rethink what type of business relationship you are selling to them. Because if they’re not interested, then it’s likely that no amount of selling will change their mind.

The best thing to do is to look at the bigger picture and consider what it is your client wants from your company. See if there are any other features or benefits you can offer them by looking at their situation as a whole rather than just the product itself. This might take a little more time upfront, but it can be well worth it in the future.


If you’re thinking about how to improve your sales conversion rate, consider this for a moment — do your prospects answer the phone when you call?

This is a question that many business owners neglect to ask themselves, hopefully, this article helps you reflect on some of the possible reasons for more decline than answer. Do follow sales teams at Zipteams for micro nuggets of selling every day and grow your sales from X to 10X.

Wish you a lot many ‘Answer’ today! Cheers and have a great day.Originally published at https://zipteams.com.




Written by Zipteams

Zipteams is a sales acceleration stack that builds AI-powered products to revolutionize and streamline the sales process.

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